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What can you expect from a good Virtual CIO? 

Enabling success, efficiency and resilience.  


We lead and coach your IT team (internal or outsourced), to manage the Information, Communication and Technology strategy across your team, aligned to delivering your business goals and success. 


We aim to make the IT simple and clear for other managers, turning complex tech, into simple building blocks that enable business success.  And if there is a potential CIO within your team, we'll aim to develop them to be able to take over from us. 

​What we deliver as Virtual CIO

 As virtual CIO, we will deliver a rounded service that broadly covers:

  • leading and coaching IT staff and developing department goals;

  • ensuring IT strategies, architecture, and processes support company-wide goals;

  • developing and overseeing the IT budget;

  • planning, deploying and maintaining IT systems and operations;
  • managing the organisation's software development, effectively documented, if needed;

  • developing IT policies, procedures and best practices;

  • staying updated on IT trends and emerging technologies;

  • developing and enforcing IT best practices across the organisation;

  • overseeing relationships with vendors, contractors and service providers; and

  • explaining to the board of directors and other executives the benefits and risks of new IT-related projects.​
  • able to ask the right questions of staff and vendors to in order to effectively manage those staff and vendors in a way to align to the businesses needs and architecture;


How much of each area, will depend upon your goals for success, organisational maturity relative to your success goals, always with in mind getting the appropriate balance of efficiency, resilience, and cost, for your business.


How do we do that?  Read more about our proven process.​

Contact Us

38 Market Street

+44 (0)1353 440450

Dish Antenna
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